Hello there,
It's been a long time since I last posted on here, so I thought I might as well start over. Since the last time I wrote, I graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in both biology and chemistry. I might not have loved every minute of it, but it's been wonderful nonetheless. In the past year a lot has changed: I fell in love, moved in with him, got a dog and then another, graduated, and now I'm applying for a new job in an attempt to be a real-life adult. It's as if I blinked and my life fast-forwarded. I'm still dreaming of medical school, but I'll be taking some time off since doing two degrees in four years was a bit of work and has definitely taken a toll on me and I'll be preparing for the MCAT for the next few months.
Here we are again. I really just felt writing and just documenting this time of my life. I'm definitely a different person than I was just a year ago, but, in a way, I'm also the same. I think that's true for everyone; we are constantly evolving and growing. I haven't written on a blog or even my journal in many months, so I feel this is a good time to start again. Plus, it'll be September in a few days which has always felt like the start of a new year for school-obsessed me. A fresh month to start doing everything I want/need to do.
So here's my plan:
1) I will prioritize MCAT studying because it's a) the only thing left before applications and b) will ultimately mean going to med school and that's the biggest and most important goal in the grand scheme of things. So, yeah. I'll be studying at least 40+ hours a week until January. I need to focus on taking practice tests later on, so for now, I will be doing some content review on some of my more rusty subjects and looking over things I do know and need a refresher on.
2) I need to find a part-time job because I need to be able to pay for bills. I/m currently taking a mini-break, but I need to get on that train in the next few weeks. I'm thinking ~25-30 hours/week should be enough to sustain my pretty cheap lifestyle. While studying for the exam, I'll work part-time and also implement a spending ban starting today. This means no excessive/unnecessary purchases and cheap food. I'm pretty good at cooking so this shouldn't be an issue as far as cheap food becoming delicious food.
3) We really want to move. I currently think Portland, Oregon has everything I look for in a home and Ryan thinks so too. So in the next six months, we are hoping to make some strides to check this guy off our bucket list. We need a break from Alabama, or maybe more like a break up from her. Sorry, but not sorry.
4) I gained a lot of weight over the past few years. I thought I wouldn't ever deal with the "freshmen 15" until I was suddenly looking at 20+ pounds and a pudgy belly five years later. So, exercise and a more thoughtful diet we go! I already take the doggos on walks daily, so I'm probably going to add in a few more exercises throughout the week. I hope to find something that is easy and relatively quick because I am going to be on a pretty tight schedule. As far as diet goes, I need to cut down my portion sizes, lay off the carbs, add more veggies, and I'm thinking less meat for environmental and ethical reasons.
5) And finally, I just want to be an overall better person. I want to be nicer, cleaner, put together. I want to read more books (which will also help with the MCAT!) and listen to more podcasts in the car. I want to take better care of myself and my loved ones. I think really I'm not the worst person ever, but there's room for growth.
Anyway, that's my plan for the next few months. It seems like a lot to do, but this past year has been really hard for me. I've been an anxious and depressed mess for well over 80% of the time and it didn't help that I wasn't making any effort to change this. I was in this fog for what seems like forever, but since leaving a relatively toxic workplace and focusing on myself, I'm feeling a bit better. Maybe still a little stressed, but when am I not? It's going to be a good year and I'm going to make sure it is.
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